Solar Thermal Monitoring
Solar plants play a crucial role in converting solar energy into electricity, making it a valuable and efficient source of usable power. The power plant facilitates such ecological production but this eco-friendly sustainable model requires equal monitoring in terms of maintenance. Dronify provides drone services to enterprises working with solar power plants to minimize the expenses in case of faulty plants. Our maintenance procedures are contingent on the identified fault and its timely repair. To tackle any issues pertaining to fault inspection, our services offer superior images, 3D plant mapping, swift surveys, and diagnostics to rectify any damage. The introduction of our services in this industry has provided them the leverage of cost cut-down, mend the manufacturing defaults in warranty periods, aerial inspections by drones has served a better replacement of the man hours here. We use drone Thermal Imaging and Aerial Inspections to give more accurate and detailed inspections in less time and at a lower cost.